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Further Reading/Related Sites


Further Reading

There are unfortunately few books about the Kibbo Kift or the Green Shirts and no biography of John Hargrave.  A good contemporary view of the Kibbo Kift and the other British Woodcraft movements of the early decades of the 20th century can be found in Woodcraft and World Service (1929, London, Noel Douglas) by I.O. Evans (Blue Swift).  The author was a member of the Iceni Tribe of the Kibbo Kift and later a member of the Woodcraft Folk.  This is the only book of its time that looks at all the Woodcraft movements from the Boy Scouts to the Order of Woodcraft Chivalry.

Book Cover  

The history of the Kibbo Kift and the Green Shirts is well documented in the book Social Movements and their Supporters - The Green Shirts in England by Mark Drakeford, Lecturer in Social Studies and Applied Social Studies at University of Wales College of Cardiff. While the first chapter is devoted to a discussion of social science methodologies, heavy going for the layman, the rest of the book is eminently readable and contains many first-hand recollections of former Kinsmen, Kinswomen and Green Shirts. Published in 1997 by MacMillan Press in London and St Martin's Press in the USA.


Related Web Sites

Ernest Thompson Seton Institute The Ernest Thompson Seton Institute

The Institute is similar to the Kibbo Kift Foundation, being a non-profit organisation dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the legacy of the artist, naturalist, author, philosopher and father of modern woodcraft, to whom John Hargrave dedicated his first book, Lonecraft.

The Woodcraft Folk The Woodcraft Folk

The surviving breakaway from the Kibbo Kift, The Woodcraft Folk celebrate their 80th birthday in 2005. It is an active youth movement promoting cooperation, peace and friendship, which still retains some of the ceremonies, lore and woodcraft philosophy of the early Kibbo Kift.

Forest School Camps Forest School Camps

A UK educational charity run by unpaid volunteers, Forest School Camps originated in the 1930s drawing its philosophy from progressive educators, from the Woodcraft movements and the Native Americans, from Quakers and others. The organisation runs woodcraft camps based on the principles of  independence and responsibility; concern and care for oneself, other people and the environment; resourcefulness and self-confidence; tolerance and respect.

Douglas Social Credit Social Credit

C.H. Douglas's exposition of his theory of Social Credit.  This is the book that transformed the Kibbo Kift from a family camping and woodcraft organisation into the shirted paramilitary Green Shirts - dedicated to the establishment of World Peace and a Social Credit state in Britain.


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